Friday, 17 July 2009

Best Digital Photography Books

best digital photography books
in digital photography '' aperture'' stands for .....?

i came to know that aperture means ''an adjustable opening in optical instruments [digital camera] that limits the amount of light passing through lens ok.....myself trying to learn and know tips and teqniques of photography
so while reading books on photography i came across the word aperture and the configuration stated such as below
camera... xyz
film............ xyz
aperture.... f/11
shutter speed.... 1/125sec
so every time a see a pic aperture varies each time sometimes f/4 sometimes f/8
and so please help me out by telling what does f stands for and how to configure it and how to adjust it for a best picture to get

The 'f' in f11 or f/11 is a reference to the focal length of the lens you are using. A f/1 lens would have an aperture diameter the same size as the focal length of the camera, an f/2 lens 1/2 the focal length, etc.

The reason that this relative value is used, is that this ratio represents the same light collecting power for a lens whether it has a short, medium or long focal length. So f11 on a long focal length lens has the same effect as f11 on a short lens.

Rick Sammon's Digital Photography Secrets

best digital photography books5
best digital photography books5
best digital photography books5

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