Thursday, 26 June 2008

How To Take Better Digital Pictures

how to take better digital pictures
Do film cameras take better pictures than Digital?

My sister had a film camera, and it took AMAZING pictures, (it was a nikon)

then she got a digital Nikon d60 and it doesn't seem to take pictures as well as the film,

Is it just my sister not knowing how to use the digital camera, or does taking pictures with the film camera work better?

It depends on the type of film, and how many megapixels the camera is.

35mm = 10mp
6x4.5cm = 31mp
4x5 = 150mp
8x10 = 600mp

And it also depends on the film speed as well - a lower speed film will produce much higher quality images.

I have always liked how the colors come out using film much better than digital as well, and I use film professionally, although I own both types.

Yes, currently film cameras take better photos than digital cameras.

How to Take Better Pictures of Your Kids

how to take better digital pictures5
how to take better digital pictures5

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