Sunday 24 May 2009

Digital Photography Design

digital photography design
Need smaller laptop: pc or mac for college design student?

Trying to keep this short: entering college as a design student, considering digital photography and imaging as an alternative, need a laptop that will last me four years of college. Will be using Adobe Photoshop CS2 and CS3 excessively, need laptop to have intel core 2 duo processor and at least 2GB of memory. I also need a smaller one that will be easier to carry around campus to classes. For this reason, I’ve been considering possibly the 13.3-inch macbook, although I would really like a laptop that is pc based.

So. Do I stick with getting a macbook, or is there a pc laptop out there that’s small and easy to carry around and has Intel Core 2 Duo Processor and lots of memory?

The main difference between a Mac and PC:

Macs are the only ones that do OS X.

Overall, I'm not really comfortable with OS X. I use it all the time, just to work with a few Mac-only programs, but that's it.

Lots of the software I need works on Windows, so I find using a PC is much more convenient. Plus I've been using Windows Vista lately, and it works great for me.

I love the Mac hardware, but not OS X. You could run Vista on it, but it's not the same experience.

If you are going to get a PC, don't buy a cheap one. Cheap ones always break down, cause problems, and make you (think) you wish you had a Mac, which is sad.

I'd recommend a Sony Vaio, they're practically the only other computer maker that makes great computers.

I use it all the time, and it's quite nicely designed. It even catches the eyes of some of my college friends when I walk by. It's that cool.

Photography: Design Elements

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digital photography design5
digital photography design5

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