Cover Software - The Product Image Powerhouse
If you are starting your own online business and you plan to sell intangible or downloadable products from your website, then this article will show you the best way to do it, and the best cover software products that will help you increase your sales conversion rates, so you can sell more. Faster.
First and foremost, it's important that you know about the "old" way of showcasing your product for the internet. It's even more important that you know about the NEW way- which is all about automating the process of getting a high quality product image online fast, and saving you as much money as possible.
After all, successful business people want more money coming in, not more money going out. And the old way of getting a product image or "ecover" costs too much, and wastes too much of your time. If you're curious about the old way, it goes something like this..
Spend lots of time, effort, and money hunting down a graphic designer. If you don't design a prototype of your products package yourself, your designer will have to do this.
Then, you'll have to find a way to get the actual prototype package (dvd, cd, ebook, etc). This will cost you more time and money.
Next, hunt down a product photographer. If you get lucky, you pay your graphic designer to take a professional photograph of your product. When you find a product photographer, expect to pay them somewhere between $60 and $120.
In 3 to 7 days, you'll get back photos of your product, and you'll need to transfer the photos to your computer, use an image editing software like Photoshop to clean up the image (if needed), and upload the photographs to your website. Take care that the images are prepared for the web, or they will load too slowly.
That was the old way. Now the new way..
Everything is done on your computer now. No designer. No expensive photographer. And no time wasted waiting for their schedules to open for what you need. It goes something like this..
Step 1- Get a 30 Day Trial Version of Photoshop
First, you get a free copy of Adobe Photoshop at adobe(.com), and spend about an hour learning the basic commands. You don't need to become an expert, because the new way doesn't require any formal training to make high quality product photographs. Have fun with the basic tools.
Step 2- Plan Your Product Images
Next, plan out how many product photos you'll need. What sizes do you want? How and where will they be used besides on your own website?
Step 3- Get Cover Software
Ecover software lets you use the power of Photoshop, and the automation of Photoshop Action scripts to streamline and automate 90% of the product image process. In other words, it allows you to easily create a "Virtual" photograph of your product so you can avoid repeating steps, get it uploaded to your website, and so your customers can see what your product looks like.
With ecover software, you can bypass the need for an actual dvd, cd, ebook, or software box prototype. That means an actual photographs is not needed! You also bypass the time consuming graphic designer, and the expensive photographer.
Photoshop Actions are simple. They work like this..
You open Photoshop and design the product image in a template, just like you like it. When you're happy with the design, you load a set of photoshop actions into photoshop. From there, you click a "Play" button, and the Actions put together a photo-realistic 3-D type image of the product you want to sell. All the hard work is done for you. And finally, you choose the size you want, upload it to your website and start selling.
You're done! Rinse and repeat this process for as many product images you want. They can be DVD's you want to sell on eBay, CD's of your latest music, or even computer software you programmed yourself.
You can visit stock image libraries like Corbis for great photos if you want them to be part of your cover design.
Two of the best Photoshop Actions I'd highly recommend are:
Grant's 5 Minute Photoshop Actions for Photoshop- The author sells the ecover software in separate, affordable packages and are very realistic.
Cover Action Pro 2 - I'd recommend this set of Actionscripts if you sell lots of different types of products on the internet and you can afford it's hefty price tag. It's one big package, but it gives you plenty of bang for your buck.
Unlike some of the free types of ecover software found online, these two are the originals when it comes to Photoshop Actions for helping business minded people save time and money. They also are backed by many years of professional graphic design and marketing experience.
The old way cost too much, and wastes too much time. The new way of creating high quality ecovers is a powerhouse for getting your new products showcased and online quickly.
About the Author
Grant Freeman has been a Freelance Graphic Designer, Web Designer, Photographer, %d%aVideo Editor, and Creative Director for over 13 years. His most noted clients %d%ainclude Sony, Bertolucci, Land Rover, and various International Recording Artist %d%ain the U.S.
%d%aVisit Grants website online at %d¯or Photoshop learning, and various creative business to business solutions.
Mazaika for Mac - Photo Mosaic Software
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