Sunday, 28 December 2008

Digital Lighting Photography

digital lighting photography
Best Digital Camera for low-light photography?

It needs to be good enough to take decent pictures of indoor settings and action photos (like sports). I'll welcome any suggestions. No SLR camera recommendations - can't afford those. Maximum $500.

you want a camera that can keep the shutter open for a long time and can open the aperture widely (f2-f-3). Some point and shoots can do this, and some can't. A camera which is a bit bigger than compact cameras are slr-like cameras. They range from 250-500 dollars and have more features than point and shoot compacts and have more manual controls.

just realize that low light photography can be tricky without a tripod. Blurry pictures occur often in low light because people can't keep the camera steady enough, even with image stabilization.

Photography Lighting Tutorial- Strip Lighting Light Tec Tip

digital lighting photography5
digital lighting photography5

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