Wednesday, 9 July 2008

Learning Digital Photography

learning digital photography
Which one is a better way to become a professional photographer, Learning Analog or Digital Photography?

I used analog (but I started 20 years ago), and still do. Can't say that I will never make the switch, but not anytime in the near future.

My advice is this: It doesn't matter which you start out with, but please PLEASE, learn your camera. Take it off the auto-program mode and play with it.

I recently spoke with a photo-journalist who, when she was given her first digital camera, took a week off of work and spent 8 hours a day shooting everything she could find - in manual mode.

She told me she shot something in the neighborhood of 15,000 images in that week, but as a result she could work her camera, make setting changes, adjust for different lights, fraction of stops and anything else she needed to do, without looking at the controls, and knew exactly what she would get.

Just learn your camera and its limits forward and backwards, inside and out and you will do fine.

Learning Digital Photography

learning digital photography5
learning digital photography5

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